

Friday, October 22, 2010


The past is the past but it will always hurt. Some things are easily forgotten.. some, however, are not. But it is possible. I've had my fair share of ups and downs, but i'm finally at a place in my life where none of these matter. I've learned how to forgive in these recent months and i have seen how truly precious this gift 'forgiveness' really is.
I have had some really, truly terrible things happen to me. Things i never, ever, in a million years thought i'd let slip through my fingers. But the truth is i did. And sometimes, loving or caring for someone just isn't enough. You just have to let them go. This one, oh boy, this one was tricky. Its not easy to say goodbye.. but it can be done. I would know. Anybody who really knows me knows that it can be done. Maybe not on your own terms, but you will eventually let go on your own terms.

In order for one to grow, one must first face trials. Good and bad but more noticeably the bad. I am so grateful for trials. I have become such a better person with the ones i've had to face. I know they were meant just for me. And this ties in to forgiveness. I've let go of the trial. I've let go of the hate, confusion, loss, brokenness i felt inside.. and i forgave. I hope they know that. It truly is past. The time to move on is well past due and i'm already there. :) So i guess i'll take a minute just to say thanks.. Thank you. You know who you are.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Love and Getting Older

Love.. hah. such a cliche topic i know. But i figure it fits quite well with my life right now. :) Tyson Blu Peterson came into my life and he is such a great blessing. I am so glad and lucky to have him. He is literally me in boy form.
So.. If anybody knows the story you'll understand this a lot better and how it ties into my opening. Some people think that 'growing up' requires you to have a lot of money and be able to have your own place with money in the bank and suddenly being able to support someone. Not that these people are wrong, but i beg to differ. I think that those things simply say you are well off in your starting out. For as long as i can remember 'growing up' has been being able to decide for your own; to be able to make smart, right decisions on your own as a responsible adult. It never had anything to do with being able to support someone or how much money you had to your name.
For example: Someone very dear to me is struggling for work.. both husband and wife. They have two kids, and have only been married for a short three years. BUT! through these trying times, they've told me that they're glad they started off their marriage struggling and facing trial after trial because it brought them closer. They now know that they can deal with these sort of problems TOGETHER. And they will love each other no matter what. Then in the future when they are well off, they won't have to go through this later because they've already gone through it now and have gained that knowledge and trust in one another.
Love is a strong, powerful, beautiful, sacred bond. It gives our mind wings and makes our souls take flight. It makes us humble and more understanding. It helps with patience and trust.. and above all, it shows us how to live. So why wait?! For anything! Live, Laugh, LOVE.!