

Monday, September 13, 2010


There are so many things that go on in life. Happy, crazy, sad, chaotic moments. Its part of the process of living your life. I am at such a pivotal moment in my life right now. Lately, more often than not, i've been feeling super overwhelmed at the rate things are changing in my life. People are moving, going on missions, getting married, joining the army.. and i know that some of these great, truly amazing people, i'll never see again. But, life continues. Somehow in the midst of the chaos we must become at peace with life. We need to accept the fact that there is simply nothing we can do. We can give it our best but that's it. We can only do so much. So count your blessings! If you look at the negative in life thats what you'll get out of life.. negativity. So be happy! Laugh too much. Smile too wide. Sing at the top of your lungs. And dance even if people ARE watching! Let go. Be free. Live life happy!

I've realized that everytime i'm down on myself and the way my life is, i'm less in tune with the Spirit. But i have also come to find that when i realize the previously stated fact i become at peace with my life. I lift my worries up to Heavenly Father, read my scriptures more, pray like crazy, and become more active and excited about church again. Never stand idle. Probably some of the best advice i have ever received. Always grow. Every situation is a learning one. You just have to find out what you're learning  :) So enjoy life. Find happiness in simplicity. Because well, its all we have right now.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Life Goes On

Recently my family experienced a death with a 'brother'. His name was Jay. I've known Jay for as long as i can remember. He wasn't just my brothers best friend.. he was my brother, their brother, a father, my moms unbiological son, and a husband. When we die, we leave all of these things behind. It has now been a month since we lost Jay, and i keep finding myself thinking... Life goes on. That is probably the hardest thing we deal with after a loss. We can't put everything on pause or rewind. From that moment on things will never be the same. We walk around with a constant void in our lives because he or she is gone and nobody can ever replace them. We can't grieve whenever we want to because if we show our true emotions in public people think we want attention and we have to show that 'we're tough'. So life goes on. Nobody is going to wait for you to get over it or cope with what happened.. and life sipmply continues with that precious loved one gone..
It also came up in a short conversation between myself and a sibling at how this can't be it. There has to be something after this life. God wouldn't let us suffer like that. Its too beautiful to end here on earth. I find extreme comfort in knowing that i am able to be with my family forever.! It is amazing. This sibling also said that they aren't so scared to die because Jay is there waiting for us. Now that someone is there, dying seems less scary. Personally, i'm not afriad to die. But i never thought of it that way. That there are already so many people in heaven waiting for us to return home. This isn't the end. This is just a test of our faith. Heavenly Father will allow us to be with our families forever. All he asks of us is to be diligent in keeping the commandments and follow the guidance of our prophets. He's promised us a lot for so little from our end. We are forever in debt to His precious son, Jesus Christ. I know that families are forever, and i can not wait to see them again and be with them always. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


As human beings, we must not seek happiness.. but balance. Balance in life is so important. Even in nature, there is life but there is also death. We must thrive on the good and the bad. The second part of that statement probably doesn't seem very appealing. But! It is necessary. There will always be good and, more noticeably, bad. There will always be ups and downs, highs and lows, good days and terrible weeks, hard times in life and times where we have our heads in the clouds. This is all just an act of human nature. If we didn't have emotion we wouldn't feel any of these things. Or if we lived in a world where only good things happened.. no balance. So, in result, there would never be true peace or happiness. We'd always be searching for something more. It is simply an act of human nature.
Personally, i thrive on trials. Simply because i know from personal experience that there is always something to be learned and gained from even the toughest of situations. Had we not had the experiences we did we wouldn't quite be the person we are today. Maybe you're not happy or pleased with yourself that you did something, or maybe you wish you had said something different. But guess what, you didn't. End of story. There's no changing it. You can't reverse the hands of time. So you have two options. One: sit and waste your energy regretting it. Or, two: Accept it and move on. Because in that exact moment in time, whatever you did or said was EXACTLY what you wanted right then. Perhaps now you would react differently, but then you didn't learn anything from the situation. We are constantly changing. That is the beauty in life. So if you can accept change, truly live your life with no regrets, and glorify in your hard times as well as your happy times, you will have found personal balance in your life a lot easier and sooner than others, and you will reach complete, utter happiness. :)