

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A lotta bit o' love :)

Well, I went to a wedding tonight and it remind me of when Tyson and I got married. :) We've been married for 3 months today and it has been so fun. We look so scared in some of our wedding pictures and I can't help but laugh because we plan and plan and hope for the day we get married and for so long its just a thought, an unattainable goal.. then, one da:y, its real. It came and went so fast i still think about planning it! But it was so. much. fun.
I can't wait for the day Tyson and I get sealed. Its going to be even better than the actually day of our wedding. By far. Marriage is such a special bond. I don't really understand how couples can get divorced, or how they can say they weren't meant for each other after all. Because when you get married its kind of like a leap of faith. You don't know what to expect, bills, work, school.. its a huge challenge and unless you're jumping in with the right one, why jump in at all? Its so fun to learn and grow WITH one another.
Tyson and I talk all the time about how we want all of our friends to be married. One: so we have friends again! And two: because its so much fun and it is so special. I love, love, LOVE! it!
Anyway, that's my spiel on that.  Basically Ty and I are living pretty happily ever after. There are struggles here and there but who doesn't have those? We're still working the same jobs. The only difference is my hours got cut so i'm now free Tuesdays and Thursdays (hint hint girlfriends!). My brother will be in Iraq soon. I'm not at liberty to say when or where. My grandma was just recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Many of  you know she's getting old and is not in very good health as it is. She goes into surgery on Tuesday, August 2. I'm pretty nervous. Basically they're going to take the cancer out of one of her breasts, put an implant in and give her a reduction on the other one. They're also going to take her lymph nodes out under her armpit. Then after she recovers they'll do a second surgery to fill it all in. She'll be doing radiation instead of kimo because its safer at her age. So please keep them in your prayers.
Thanks for taking the time to read this! 
-Simply, Lace :)

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