Lately things have been pretty.. well, different i guess you could say. After Tyson and I got married it seemed that our social life has kind of been dragging. None of our old friends call or text us anymore.. we don't get invited to group parties anymore. Yeah, you get the point. Mostly we sit in our apartment and watch scrubs and make a mess :) Also, another lovely trait that comes with married life is being broke. If you plan on getting married anytime soon you may as well get use to it now. Even if we work, work... WORK. All the time. That is literally all we do.
But honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. Tyson and I are so happy together. Yeah we fight. Who doesn't. But its because we love each other and we're just stubborn. Its not about hanging out with friends anymore. And although it would be nice to have more money, we don't. Its a fact of life that we've come to deal with. And there is nobody else in the whole universe i would rather be going through all this stuff with except for Tyson. He is my one true love.
Tyson and I find the most random, fun, dorky things to do. Today we played hide and seek in our apartment for at least 20 minutes.. and it was SO fun! Its about the little things in life that make you happy. I think that when people really start to live for themselves and do what they feel is good for them they will truly find happiness. I've had my fair share of rough patches but i made it through because i followed my heart.. Heavenly Father doesn't make us go through things to hurt us.. He makes us face trials and things that are hard for us to deal with because He KNOWS that we'll take something from it. So be happy!
I Love You - Your love (Tyson)