

Monday, August 30, 2010


Remember is such a strong word. My great friend Arica Page taught me that. Life is crazy at times and can get us down so easily. The negative is more often noticed than the happiness and the positive outcomes of our crazy day to day lives. We get so caught up in a small problem that when another little matter happens.. we notice that one even more. Eventually, this happens over and over and builds up inside until we're so stressed out or depressed in our human nature, we forget the happiness somewhere along the way. I've experienced this many times and usually it takes just a taste of my happiness to help me realize that i am happy. Among all the trials and tribulations that i face, i couldn't ask for more and i would go through them all again if it meant i was going to get where i am today.
Being a convert is so amazing to me. I have to work extra hard on keeping my testimony alive. I will never forget the happiness the gospel brought (and still brings me) during the time of my conversion. I have never experienced a truer happiness in my life. The light of Christ had completely consumed me. There was simply no doubt about it. Keeping that light is so important. Even i lose it. But i have come to learn that staying true to the gospel, yourself, and your testimony will bring you complete joy. I forget that sometimes. Its not easy and nobody ever said it would be.. but its life. Its simply beautiful. I see the hand of the Lord every day in my life.. if i take the time to look. There are countless blessings right in front of me that i take for granted more often than not.
Life is:
Crazy. Fun. Amazing. Emotion. LIVING. Taking that leap of faith, even if you don't know what the outcome may be. Living on the edge. Spicing it up! Having a testimony. Dancing. Singing. Life is art. Poetry! Music. Photography. Tickling. Smiling. Tears and pain. Loving another person so much you feel like your heart might explode! Making mistakes. Repenting!! Praying. Staying true to yourself. Having secrets. Being blunt! :) Holding a hand. Running. Leaping. Soaring. Falling. Dreaming. Working. Beautiful. Splendid. Joyous.. and above all of these things.. Life is hard.
But remember these are all the things that build you. These things are you. No matter who you are. Regardless of your background our your upbringing. These things represent us all. And in that similarity, we are not alone. Remember that.

~Simply Lace


  1. I love you! I love you! I love you!!!

  2. Hey I dig it! :D Your right, we gotta remember. Thanks for your thought!

  3. I'm so happy you started this...I always enjoy reading other people's blogs! I'm sure yours will be an inspiration to my days when I forget! :) Love you best friend!
